Архитектурная Графика
2015 » Апрель » 21
Aptullah Kuran - The Mosque in Early Ottoman Architecture
Aptullah Kuran - The Mosque in Early Ottoman Architecture
Aptullah Kuran - The Mosque in Early Ottoman Architecture

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: University of Chicago Press, 1968
Формат: PDF
Объем: 246 стр.
Качество: Отл. / Скан.
Размер: 86 МВ
Мечеть в ранней оттоманской архитектуре.
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at The University of Chicago was founded in October 1965. The more than two dozen members of its faculty offer courses on subjects ranging from the geography of Morocco to the literature of Iran, and from the beginnings of the Muslim state in the time of Muhammad to contemporary political problems. The Center and the Oriental Institute, which deals with the more ancient periods of the Near East, enable the University to offer perhaps the most complete program on the Middle East available anywhere in the world. It is the purpose of the Center to encourage and disseminate scholarly work on the Middle East. To this end, the Center provides fellowships and research funds and brings to the University visiting scholars.




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Просмотров: 2308 | Дата: 21 Апр 2015 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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