Архитектурная Графика
2013 » Ноябрь » 15
Bob Giddings, Margaret Horne - Artists' Impressions in Architectural Design
Bob Giddings, Margaret Horne - Artists' Impressions in Architectural Design
Bob Giddings, Margaret Horne - Artists' Impressions in Architectural Design

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Spon Press, 2002
Формат: PDF
Объем: 216 стр.
Качество: eBook
Размер: 13 MB

Artists' Impressions in Architectural Design analyses the ways in which architects have presented their designs for clients and the public, both historically and contemporarily. It spans a period from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century.
Architects have become familiar with change. The passage of time has brought with it new and revived styles of architecture, as well as innovative tools and techniques for their representation. The result is that while some methods show a view of the architect's concept for a building, others offer an almost real experience of the intended architecture. This book provides a rare and valuable study in which the exciting technological developments of today are placed in context with the rich heritage of the past. It offers an opportunity to learn how architects have chosen to represent their ideas. The authors dare to glimpse into the future and hopefully offer some reassurance for tomorrow.
(Книга "Художники. Впечатления об архитектурном дизайне" анализирует способы, которыми архитекторы представляли свои проекты клиентам и общественности, как исторически, так и по-современному. Она охватывает период с 15-го по 21-й вв.)



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Просмотров: 2458 | Дата: 15 Ноя 2013 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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