Архитектурная Графика
2016 » Декабрь » 9
Christine M. Piotrowski - Designing Commercial Interiors
Christine M. Piotrowski - Designing Commercial Interiors
Christine M. Piotrowski - Designing Commercial Interiors

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Wiley, 2016; 3-rd Edition
Формат: PDF
Объем: 577 стр.
Качество: E-book
Размер: 114 MB
Разработка коммерческих интерьеров.

A practical, comprehensive resource for commercial interior design.
Designing Commercial Interiors is the industry standard reference, now fully revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments in commercial interior design. This book guides you through the entire design process, from planning to execution, to teach you the vital considerations that will make your project a success.
This new third edition includes new:
Sustainability concepts for a variety of commercial spaces
Coverage of accessibility, security, safety, and codes—and how these factors influence commercial design
Chapters on design research, project process, and project management
Drawings and photographs of design applications
Supplemental instructor's resources
Commercial interior design entails a much more complex set of design factors than residential design, and many of these considerations are matters of safety and law. This book walks you through the process to give you a solid understanding of the myriad factors in play throughout any commercial project, including how the global marketplace shapes designers' business activities.
Whether it's a restaurant, office, lodging, retail, healthcare, or other facility, the interior designer's job is much more complicated when the project is commercial. Designing Commercial Interiors is an exhaustive collection of commercial design skills, methods, and critical factors for professionals, instructors, and those preparing for the NCIDQ exam.



Просмотров: 2648 | Дата: 09 Дек 2016 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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