The leading resource for student and professional bath designers—completely revised and updated. Bath Planning is the most authoritative resource available on the subject, containing everything a professional needs to know to design a safe, functional, effective, and attractive bath. Based on the National Kitchen and Bath Association's Kitchen and Bathroom Planning Guidelines and the related Access Standards, this book presents the best practices developed by the Association's committee of professionals through extensive research. This Second Edition has been completely revised and redesigned throughout, with new full-color photographs and illustrations and a special emphasis on client needs, research, and references to industry information. Features include: * New and expanded information on universal design and sustainable design * The 2012 edition of the NKBA Planning Guidelines with Access Standards and up-to-date applications of the 2012 International Residential Code® * New information about storage, cabinet construction, and specifying cabinets * Metric measurement equivalents included throughout * A companion website with forms and teaching resources for instructors
Издание является полным ресурсом для студентов и дизайнеров-профессионалов по проектированию ванных комнат и домашних бань (саун). Эта книга представляет лучшие практические проекты, разработанные Комитетом Ассоциации професионалов на основе широких исследований. Отлично и подробно иллюстрирована.
Архитектурная Графика: электронная библиотека для архитекторов, градостроителей и проектировщиков / Сайт создан в системе uCoz. — [Б.м.], 2008—2025.
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