Архитектурная Графика
2011 » Сентябрь » 27
Corum, Nathaniel - Building a Straw Bale House
Corum, Nathaniel - Building a Straw Bale House
Corum, Nathaniel - Building a Straw Bale House

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: USA, Princeton Architectural Press, 2005
Формат: PDF / RAR
Объем: 195 pages
Качество: Хор. / Скан.
Размер: 30,9 MB

The Red Feather project is extremely important; it is truly making a difference. Jane Goodall For more than a decade the Red Feather Development Group, a volunteer-based organization, has built and repaired straw bale houses for Native Americans. Somewhere along the way and this was certainly not the plan they created an architectural phenomenon: This inexpensive, environmentally sound, easily constructed, and downright beautiful form of building has, for good reason, caught the public`s imagination. Here, Red Feather provides a step-by-step, easy-to-follow manual for would-be strawbale builders indeed, they supply everything you`ll need but time, energy, and lots and lots of straw. Informative sections on safety, design, tools, and materials, and case studies picked from over thirty-five Red Feather projects give a comprehensive overview to straw-bale building. But this book is much more than a construction manual. It is also the inspiring story of Red Feather itself, a tale of community action and cooperation that suggests a can-do solution to the growing housing crisis on America`s Native American reservations.



Просмотров: 3206 | Дата: 27 Сен 2011 | Добавил: Monti Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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