Архитектурная Графика
2013 » Октябрь » 14
Ian Colquhoun - RIBA Book of British Housing: 1900 to the present day
Ian Colquhoun - RIBA Book of British Housing: 1900 to the present day
Ian Colquhoun - RIBA Book of British Housing: 1900 to the present day

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Elsevier, 2008
Формат: PDF
Объем: 416 стр.
Качество: eBook
Размер: 66 МВ
RIBA Book of British Housing Design looks at the design solutions developed during the 20th and the 21st centuries, and illustrates over 200 of the most successful projects. It provides an overview of the evolution of housing development, and includes present day schemes and estate regeneration as well as special sections on housing in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The photographs and plans of historic and contemporary projects can be used to show design approaches to clients, committees and, in the case of regeneration, with local communities. Looking back into history will indicate which design approaches have been successful.
This fully updated 2nd edition includes a new chapter on the development of design concepts and projects built since 1999. It illustrates current trends that have been developing since the turn of the new century, and emphasises the concept of creating sustainable communities. The use of colour photographs adds a new dimension to the first edition in making it possible to appreciate more readily the materials used in the design of the housing and its environment.
* A valuable sourcebook for this booming industry
* A comprehensive history of housing from 1900 to the present day
* A unique, reference, presented in full colour

(Всеобъемлющая иллюстрированная история Британского жилища с 1900 г. до нашего времени.)



Просмотров: 2938 | Дата: 14 Окт 2013 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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