Архитектурная Графика
2015 » Ноябрь » 10
Jorge Francisco Liernur - The Architecture of Richter and Dahl Rocha
Jorge Francisco Liernur - The Architecture of Richter and Dahl Rocha
Jorge Francisco Liernur - The Architecture of Richter and Dahl Rocha

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2006
Формат: PDF
Объем: 239 стр.
Качество: E-book
Размер: 30 MB
Альбом посвящён творчеству архитекторов Игнасио Роча (Аргентина) и Жака Рихтера (Швейцария).
The Argentine architect, Ignacio Dahl Rocha and the Swiss architect, Jacques Richter have been regarded as prominent champions of an elegant brand of modernity at least since their design of the Espacite Tower on Place Le Corbusier in La Chaux-de-Fonds and their renovation of Jean Tschumi's Nestle corporate headquarters on the shores of Lake Geneva. Their work in the United States and Canada, which began when they were students together at Yale University, is increasingly expanding to include South America as well. In the last fifteen years, they have completed numerous projects, including cultural, educational, administrative, hospital, and residential buildings, primarily in Switzerland but also in Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Argentina. The most important are presented here, in this only current monograph on the firm.



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