Архитектурная Графика
2015 » Декабрь » 26
Peggy Tully - Modern American Housing: High-Rise, Reuse, Infill
Peggy Tully - Modern American Housing: High-Rise, Reuse, Infill
Peggy Tully - Modern American Housing: High-Rise, Reuse, Infill

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Princeton Architectural Press, 2013
Формат: PDF
Объем: 160 стр.
Качество: E-book
Размер: 28 МВ
Обзор получивших различные награды жилых домов Нью-Йорка, Сан-Франциско, Лос-Анджелеса и Кливленда.

This survey of award-winning housing, built in cities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Cleveland, reflects a combination of marketing and public funding structures and a variety of housing types. An array of approaches to housing by students within studios taught by these architects over a three-year period will be shown. Various forms of housing and other commercial forms of development, including live/work hybrids, office and residential towers, as well as a retail residential mix building types are explored. The design of housing in the United States is often considered from strictly market imperatives, or a formal architectural perspective. The work within this volume seeks to bring together the most enlightened thinking from the realms of social practice, architecture and real estate development to develop a greater awareness of the interdependence of architecture and the marketplace in a ranger of sites and housing types.



Просмотров: 2703 | Дата: 26 Дек 2015 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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