Архитектурная Графика
2011 » Март » 23
Building ARX 2008 №19
Building ARX 2008 №19
Building ARX 2008 №19

Категория: Журналы
Издание: «Билдинг Медиа», 2008
Формат: PDF
Объем: 142 стр.
Качество: Отличное / Скан
Размер: 20 MB

Клуб девелоперов: сентябрьское и октябрьское заседания [Developers` Club Building: sessions in September and October]

* Создана Национальная ассоциация девелоперов [National Association of Developers is established]
* XI Венецианская архитектурная биеннале и Всемирный архитектурный фестиваль в Барселоне [The 11th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice and World Architecture Festival in Barcelona]
* Проекты – участники шорт-листов номинаций «Многоквартирное жилье», «Офисы», «Отдых» и «Шопинг» Всемирного архитектурного фестиваля [Selected projects of Housing, Offices, Holidays and Shopping categories at World Architecture Festival]


* Девелопер. Иван Ситников [Developer. Ivan Sitnikov]
* Градостроитель. Вячеслав Глазычев [Urban planner. Vyacheslav Glazychev]
* Мир. Роб Грегори [World. Rob Gregory]
* Эксперт. Павел Тигер [Expert. Pavel Tiger]


* Площадь пяти углов. Комплекс высотных зданий на площади Ладожского вокзала, Санкт-Петербург [The square of five corners. Skyscrapers near Ladozhskiy station, St Petersburg]


* Апартаменты в горах. Svarmisk Resort Apartments, Mount Beauty, Австралия. LA Task Pty Ltd. Grant Amon Architects [Apartments in the mountains. Svarmisk Resort Apartments, Mount Beauty, Australia. LA Task Pty Ltd. Grant Amon Architects]
* Датский Эверест. Жилой комплекс Mountain dwelling, Копенгаген. H?pfner A/S, Danish Oil Company A/S, BIG [Danish Everest. Mountain dwelling, Copenhagen. H?pfner A/S, Danish Oil Company A/S, BIG ]
* Куб вина. Loisium Hotel Wine and Spa Resort, Лангенлойс, Австрия. Loisium Hotelbetriebs GmbH & Co. KG. Steven Holl Architects [A cube of wine. Loisium Hotel Wine and Spa Resort, Langenlois, Austria. Loisium Hotelbetriebs GmbH & Co. KG. Steven Holl Architects]
* Железная логика. Отель Aire de Bardenas, Наварра. Aire de Bardenas S.L. Emiliano L?pez & M?nica Rivera [Cast-iron logics. Hotel Aire de Bardenas, Navarra. Aire de Bardenas S.L. Emiliano L?pez & M?nica Rivera]
* Внутренняя эволюция. Бизнес-центр «Фабрика Станиславского», Москва. ЗАО «Хорус Кэпитал», «ВЭЛСТ проект», Casson Mann Designers [Internal evolution. Business centre Stanislavsky's Factory. Horus Capital, VELST project, Casson Mann Designers]
* Море в городе. Малоэтажный жилой комплекс с парковкой, Санкт-Петербург. ОАО Строительная корпорация «Возрождение Санкт-Петербурга». ООО «Евгений Герасимов и партнеры», nps choban voss [Sea in the City. Dwelling with parking, St. Petersburg. Corporation Renaissance of St. Petersburg. Eugeny Gerasimov and Partners, nps choban voss]


* Дизайнер зданий. Сесил Балмонд, Великобритания [Buildings` designer. Cecil Balmond, Great Britain]

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Комментарии (1)

1 Amir • 11:56, 15 Май 2012
Хочу участвоват на Ваше Мерепрятие.Скажите пожалюста, как можно регестироватся?


here is Amir Pahalavan from Azerbaijan, a poet, a writer and film director. I shoot 12 films and wrote 14 books. I participated in many Festivals and in two Festivals my films won the highest prices in Los Angelos ("Spasibo") and in Nant ("Baku Oil and the Nobels"). My three novels were published in Germany, www.avinus.de, these are "Nobel of Baku", "The Nobels' Oil Fate" , "Isa, Meriem and Sana","Parting" and " The Ambassodor" they are on sale all over the world now. My books were published in America and in Turky, all the rest: drama, novels, fairy-tailes, poems were issued in Azerbaijan in my native language. I was rewarded prices everywhere accept in my Motherland. I didn't know that you have a Festival and a competition. I would very much like my books to participate in your competition. Many readers and fans bought my books and I became a rich person. If my novels participate in your competition I would be very happy. All popular magazines, newspapers took my interview and published very good articles. Popular Television channels prepared good programmes about my work. I live in the richest oil country and I know very well that the whole world is ruled by oil and all oil is in the hands of Jewish people. I also know that all revolutions and wars are made by oil magnates and I am well aware of what did Rockfeller, Nobel and Rotshild do on this way. All this information and facts are described in my novels. As a writer I am very much interested in participation in your compatition. Please, let me know if it is possible, with

kindest regards,
Amir Pahlavan
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