Архитектурная Графика
2014 » Январь » 17
Sue Ferguson Gussow - Architects Draw: Freehand Fundamentals (Architecture Briefs)
Sue Ferguson Gussow - Architects Draw: Freehand Fundamentals (Architecture Briefs)
Sue Ferguson Gussow - Architects Draw: Freehand Fundamentals (Architecture Briefs)

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008
Формат: PDF
Объем: 160 стр.
Качество: E-book
Размер: 42 MB
Architects Draw offers a practical and invaluable way to help students and would-be sketchers translate what they see onto the page, not as an imitation of reality, but as a comprehensive union of voids and solids, light and shadows, lines and shapes. For nearly forty years, revered Cooper Union professor and artist Sue Gussow has taught aspiring architects of varying abilities how to fully observe and perceive the spaces that make up our physical environment. Gussow skillfully applies architectural language to twenty-one drawing exercises that tackle a variety of formsfrom peas in a pod to monkeys, skeletons, dinosaur bones, and the art of Giacometti and Mondrian. She shows, for example, how cut fruit and paper bags reveal that the physical world is made up of planes, dimensions, and enclosed space. Architects Draw features examples from postgraduate architectural practice that explicitly connect drawing to the world of architecture. This unique course provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in using drawing as a visual language to describe architecture.
(Этот уникальный курс для аспирантов и студентов-архитекторов обеспечивает прочную основу архитектурной графики и использования рисунка, как визуального языка для описания архитектуры)



Просмотров: 3989 | Дата: 17 Янв 2014 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 5.0/2

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