Архитектурная Графика
2010 » Ноябрь » 6
Class Architecture (by Michael J. Crosbie)
Class Architecture (by Michael J. Crosbie)
Class Architecture (by Michael J. Crosbie)

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Images Publishing Dist A/C (July 17, 2006)
Формат: PDF / RAR
Объем: 147 стр.
Качество: Отл. / Скан.
Размер: 306 Mb
From Library Journal
Chosen to exemplify 21st-century school architecture throughout the United States, plus one Canadian province, the 43 new or renovated schools presented here show new directions in design. As architect Raymond Bordwell points out in his introduction, schools have evolved from knowledge factories into learning environments, incorporating new information technology and concerns about physical security. The featured schools are diverse in purpose, size, context, and design. Many have formal community recreational as well as educational functions. An architect and editor of Faith & Form magazine, Crosbie (Generating Context) profiles each school with a short description, plan drawing, and quality color photographs. Though the text contains several errors, and the sans serif font is fatiguing to read, the book offers a stimulating glimpse at the latest school design trends. Recommended for all libraries with an interest in school design.

Product Description
School buildings are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the next generation of teachers and students. This book presents more than 40 projects from the USA, showcasing leading elementary and secondary school design. Featred projects factor in important design elements including security and safety, new technology, resource centres and energy conservation. They must also accomodate flexible learning environments for a range of student groups. Full-colour photos, plans, drawings and descriptive text accompany the projects.

От себя
Отличная книга, включающая в себя 43 реализованных проекта американских школ, с кратким описанием, детальными планами и качественными фотографиями.


File name: Class Architecture.part1.rar File size: 102.52 MB
File name: Class Architecture.part2.rar File size: 102.52 MB
File name: Class Architecture.part3.rar File size: 101.59 MB

Class Architecture.part1.rar - 102.5 MB
Class Architecture.part2.rar - 102.5 MB
Class Architecture.part3.rar - 101.5 MB

Просмотров: 3532 | Дата: 06 Ноя 2010 | Добавил: Gonzagas Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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