Архитектурная Графика
2010 » Ноябрь » 8
Designing the Sustainable School
Designing the Sustainable School
Designing the Sustainable School

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Images Publishing Group Pty. Ltd., 2007
Формат: PDF / RAR
Объем: 255 стр.
Качество: Отл. / Скан.
Размер: 536 MB

This compilation of more than 40 international case studies commemorates sustainable design that considers not only eco-friendly features, but also the quality of a child's academic experience. Ford has collected an intriguing array of green school designs that range from a three-room schoolhouse in Gando, Bouglou, Burkina Faso, to a 2,500-student high school in California. Each selected design embodies Ford's vision for the future of sustainable academic design: "Imagine a school where the indoor air quality reduced the risk of exposure to disease, where the acoustics were such that learning was enhanced, where the quality of the finishes and architecture made you feel welcomed, where test scores improved," he writes.

The selected case studies demonstrate how acoustics, visual comfort, light, and color perception have been incorporated into environmentally mindful designs for schools. Images, floor renderings, and elevations give the reader a spatial sense of each project.

In the foreword, Richard S. Fedrizzi, president, CEO & founding chairman of the U.S. Green Building Council states, "Every morning we send our children to school to learn, to explore, and to imagine — but we send them to buildings that are more like prisons than schools." This book is a celebration of the imaginative architects and educators across the globe who are breaking through the limitations of traditional school design to incorporate green innovation that harmonizes with principles of creative design for places of learning.

Rebecca Ward, Architectural Record: Schools of the 21st Century (The McGraw-Hill Companies), January 2008

Product Description:

The Book presents a survey of Kindergarten through 12th-grade schools from around the world featuring projects that combine the best in aesthetics, sustainability and high-performance design. The book utilizes 45 case studies to illustrate the range of sustainable and high performance design solutions currently being applied to K-12 school design; Featuring the work of Perkins and Will, Foster and Partners, Arup Associates, Antoine Predock Architect, BOORA Architects, Centerbrook Architects, Farewell Mills Gatsch Architects, Hillier Architecture, KieranTimberlake Associates, Lake Flato Architects, Mahlum Architects, HMC Architects and Pfau Architects among others.

От себя:

Ещё один отличный альбом с серией проектов школ. Только в данной книге акцентируется внимание на эко-архитектуре. Представлено более 40 проектов.

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Просмотров: 4376 | Дата: 08 Ноя 2010 | Добавил: Gonzagas Рейтинг: 5.0/2

Комментарии (7)

1 Anhaa • 18:48, 11 Ноя 2010
facebook Art & Architecture Library's like there's many book
2 nickart • 07:05, 16 Ноя 2010
Архив битый на uploading sad
3 Катя • 18:16, 24 Ноя 2010
Точно битый.
4 Denisik • 21:05, 24 Ноя 2010
Перезалить надо будет.
5 Катя • 20:06, 25 Ноя 2010
Пожалуйста, перезалейте. Буду очень признательна.
6 kat_kat • 15:41, 26 Ноя 2010
Спасибо:) Полезная книжка.
7 Denisik • 16:23, 28 Ноя 2010
Что-то я не знаю, если я размещу ссылку на неразделенный по частям архив, нормально будет?
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