Архитектурная Графика
2011 » Апрель » 1
Alan Christensen - Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction
Alan Christensen - Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction
Alan Christensen - Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005
Формат: PDF / RAR
Объем: 493 стр.
Качество: Отличное / Макет / OCR
Размер: 5,39 MB

In an industry that involves the skills, expertise, and labor of a wide-range of professionals and workers, good communications become crucial, and a common vocabulary is key to successful projects. Many of the terms used in landscape architecture, land planning, environmental planning, and landscape construction are unavailable, or so new, or industry-specific that they can’t be found in conventional dictionaries. This unique resource delivers definitions as well as how-to information via details and photos, going above and beyond the scope of a typical professional dictionary. With straightforward definitions and clear illustrations on each page, everyone from architects, designers, and contractors through grounds maintenance workers will benefit from this important resource. In addition, an appendix with labeled construction details will illustrate not just what a term means, but also how it’s applied in the profession.

Иллюстрированный словарь по ландшафтной архитектуре и строительству. Книга на английском языке.

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