Архитектурная Графика
2016 » Февраль » 19
Karl Alexander Heideloff - Medieval Ornament: 950 Illustrations (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Karl Alexander Heideloff - Medieval Ornament: 950 Illustrations (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Karl Alexander Heideloff - Medieval Ornament: 950 Illustrations (Dover Pictorial Archive)

Категория: Foreign books
Издание: Dover Publication, 1995
Формат: JPEG / RAR
Объем: 201 стр.
Качество: Типографские оригиналы
Размер: 254 MB
Средневековые орнаменты: 950 иллюстраций.

The decorative arts of the Middle Ages — richly ornate, filled with religious and mythic symbolism — were especially remarkable for the complexities of their design and their inspired craftsmanship. This fascinating volume presents nearly 1,000 illustrations of medieval ornament, consisting mostly of architectural elements from German Romanesque and Gothic churches and other buildings.
Originally compiled by the German architect, painter, and engraver Karl Alexander von Heldeloff (1788–1865) as a source of study and inspiration for practicing artists and architects, this grand pictorial archive has been exactingly reproduced from a rare original edition, complete with new English translations of the German captions.
The book is filled with precisely detailed engravings of doors, windows, decorative stonework, columns, pedestals, and more. It remains a richly varied resource of authentic images of medieval ornament, ideal for students of architecture and the decorative arts and essential for graphic artists and designers in search of royalty-free illustrations.



Просмотров: 2802 | Дата: 19 Фев 2016 | Добавил: Ильич Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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